Friday, December 30, 2011

Greetings Blogging World

Greetings blogging world. I hope this finds you all well as we are turining our back on the year 2011, and heading rapidly for 2012. I know,2012!! That sounds so strange.
Well, My name is Erin, and as you can see, this is my first post on my new blog. I am a 20 year old homeschool graduate. I would type more about myself but I would hate risking redundancy. Feel free to visit the About Me page and my profile.

My hope for this blog is to promote femininity in a feminist world. I want to share the love of Christ and how He is working in my life. I am looking forward to joining this network of Christian young women seeking God's Will in their life.
I will share my favorite recipes and, hopefully in the near future, some sewing tutorials.
Please feel free to comment and share.