I just wanted to take a minute to say how grateful I am for Michael and Debi Pearl's No Greater Joy Ministry. They are such a sweet couple and I really enjoy getting to hear them speak. If you haven't heard of their ministry before, you need to check out the link here. I promise you, it will be a huge encouragement in your life and family. They are all about helping to strengthen the family and teaching how the man is the head of the household and how God made woman to be a help meet for him. They have many good books but I'm going to take a guess that some of their most read books are Created to Need a Help Meet, Created to Be His Help Meet, In Search of a Help Meet, and Preparing to Be a Help Meet. These are great books that help to outline what a Christ-focused marriage and family should look like. Also another one of Mr. Pearl's well known books is To Train Up a Child.
Although I am not a wife nor a mother yet, I still think it's important, as a single Christian young lady to prepare for this time in the future. It's always great to receive advice from people that have been there and know what struggles might come.
Our family has also been to a couple of the NGJ Shindigs. It was so nice to be surrounded by a couple thousand other people who were pretty like-minded with our family's beliefs and convictions. I am so thankful that they saw the need for such an event and put so much work into making it all happen.
They also have a great channel on YouTube with many many videos. I highly recommend looking them up!
I feel it's very important to support ministries such as NGJ. One way to help is by supporting them with your purchases on Amazon. When you shop on Amazon Smile, Amazon will donate .5% to No Greater Joy Ministries. Here's the link: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/62-1855964?utm_source=ngj.me&utm_campaign=AmazonSmile
Anyway, I just felt it on my heart to share a little about this very amazing ministry.
I pray everyone has a great weekend!