So if you do much gardening, you probably know that it's best to start your seeds inside, before planting them. Our family is trying out a new technique this year. As always, we've procrastinated getting our tomatoes started, but we shouldn't be too terribly far behind. We're using egg shells as our "planters". They are chalk full of calcium, which is a vital nutrient for a good plant to grow strong and healthy.
So here's how we do it:
For any meal that we use eggs in, we save the shell. We're very careful when cracking them, to try and make it as clean of a break in the middle of the shell as possible. This way one egg shell can make 2 planters. We wash out the shell really well and make sure we get the membrane all out of the inside. This ensures bacteria won't grow. Then we lay them upside down on a paper towel until dry.
Now pull out an empty egg carton and place one half shell into each space. Now fill them with potting soil (we prefer organic non GMO). Place one seed in each shell of whatever seed you're planting. Cover up with a little more soil. Water thoroughly, without drowning the seed.
Water daily, or as needed
The plants do not need to be placed in the sunlight until you see them begin to peak their leaves above the soil. Make sure and keep your lid to your egg carton closed, this makes the perfect miniature green house. As soon as they begin sprouting, you need to sit them in a sunny location inside such as a window sill and open the lid.
*Note: If you use the cardboard egg cartons, it will absorb all of the moisture up
As soon as your seedlings are big enough to go outside (when your plant grows it's first set of true leaves), you can take each egg shell out and plant them.(crush up the egg shell with each plant to keep the great source of calcium near the roots)
Happy Gardening!
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