Monday, May 27, 2013

Woweeee-How Time Flies

Are my eyes going crazy, or does the calendar really say May 27th?? I can hardly believe it! So many exciting things are going on around here. First of all, I just want to express my sincere sympothy to those who lost loved ones in the tornadoes in Moore, OK. To sit  back and watch the destructive tornadoes sweep across my state, I just didn't know how to feel-just utter sadness for those families!! I think it's wonderful how so many have stepped in to give of their time and money to help them begin to start over.

Back on the sunny side, my sister had her homeschool band concert and played beautifully. She plays keyboard, flute, and guitar. Here in a couple of weeks, she will have her dance recital. We're ready for things to calm down a bit for the summer. :-)
Also, some exciting news. Momma and Daddy have purchased property for us to build a new home on!! Aww... country life-I can't wait :-D I've always been a country girl at heart, now I'll actually be one!

For Mother's Day, I had a fun project I made for Momma. We have this fettish with all things wooden: wooden spoons, wooden bowls, wooden boxes, wooden, wooden, wooden!! So I carved her a spoon, and yes it's a useable spoon for the kitchen. It's actually made from Crepe Myrtle and sealed with coconut oil. I absolutely loved making it, and have considered making more and selling them. Any thoughts??

Our garden is coming up pretty well, also. We've already had a couple of bowls of salad with our fresh lettuce and spinach! How is everyone else's doing?


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