Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fall Project

About a year ago, I decided I wanted to make a quilt to put in my hope chest. I purchased all the material, and that's as far as I made it. Life took over and other things took priority over my quilt. So, the other day I decided I was making my quilt before the year is gone. I am using the Grandmother's Flower Patch pattern (which I was able to snatch up at a garage sale for 25cents; yay for bargains :D ).
So.... here it is in it's early stages.

Here is my selection of fabric

Here are about 400 hexagons. That seems like good progress, but I have to have a total of 2,277 hexagons cut out. See, not much progress compared to the number I still have to finish.

I would love to hear from you what your favorite quilt patterns are and quilt making experiences you have had; good and bad.
Well, until later,
happy quilting

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